- Specialization
Specialized mode (0.3Mh/0.5Mh) for specific locations (face and body)
- RF thermal effect
Reduce fat cells, promote metabolism
- RF+ negative pressure suction
Synergistic effect for fast and visible body contouring and facial firming
- multiple cupping
The heat of RF enhances oriental cupping forms, promotes blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and detoxification to shape body and relieve muscle pain
- Direct energy to the skin surface and designated fat layer
- Elevated temperature to the treated area enhances fat breakdown, blood flow, eases muscle pain and metabolism
RM8 radio frequency + vacuum suction tank
- After the RF system heats up, borrow the principle of oriental cupping massage, through vacuum suction
- Combination of RF and suction system maximizes efficacy, suitable for sculpting body contours Powerful vacuum massage effectively reduces fat mass
RM8 - Radio Frequency Facial
- Specialization
Specialized mode (0.3Mh/0.5Mh) for specific locations (face and body)
- RF thermal effect
Reduce fat cells, promote metabolism
- RF+ negative pressure suction
Synergistic effect for fast and visible body contouring and facial firming
- multiple cupping
The heat of RF enhances oriental cupping forms, promotes blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and detoxification to shape body and relieve muscle pain